About Project

Pan Bank app

Pan Bank app

Banco Pan is a Brazilian bank with more than 20 million customers, the vast majority of customers are class C, D and E. Due to copyright, everything I present below is or was in use in the application. You can check it out by downloading the app from this link www.bancopan.com.br

I worked on the Cross team, responsible for creating and maintaining the Design strategy and Design System in the organization.My responsibilities were:

+ Creation and maintenance of components;
+ Handoff of components with accessibility;
+ Ensure visual consistency and usability;
+ Documentation for designers;
+ Define and implement guidelines, standards;
+ App Flow Navigation;
+ Animate UI transitions, components, and microinteractions;
+ Define and apply consistent movement principles;
+ High-fidelity prototyping (Protopie and Principle);
+ Lottie animations.

We explored a lot the use of lottie/Json animations, in most cases the animated illustration reflected the client's financial situation.

In the video below you can watch a summary of the projects I participated in at Pan bank.